Academic Papers
聴覚刺激による空間的注意の誘導効果. 水戸部一孝、秋山 勉、吉村 昇、高橋 誠、伊福部達 (1997) 映像情報メディア学会誌 51, 6, 850-856.
シイタケ人工菌床に対する電気刺激が子実体発生個数に及ぼす影響. 水戸部一孝、佐藤忠雄、鈴木隆弘、吉村 昇 (1997) 静電気学会誌 21, 6, 275-277.
聴覚刺激が視覚目標の検出と反応時間におよぼす改善効果. 水戸部一孝、秋山 勉、吉村 昇、高橋 誠(1998) 電気学会論文誌A 118-A, 3, 245-250.
シイタケ子実体発生に及ぼす人工菌床への電気刺激の効果(第2報)水戸部一孝、中川史子、佐藤忠雄、鈴木隆弘、吉村 昇 (1999) 静電気学会誌 23, 2, 88-90.
Lentinus edodesに与える交流定電圧の作用 工藤行蔵、水戸部一孝、吉村 昇 (1999) 静電気学会誌, 23, 4, 186-190.
イオンマイグレーションにより生じたデンドライトの三次元形状計測 水戸部一孝、吉村 昇 (1999) 静電気学会誌 23, 5.
バイオ電磁気工学に関する最近の研究 水戸部一孝、鈴木雅史、佐藤忠雄、工藤行蔵、吉村昇 (2000) 静電気学会誌 24, 6, 292-297.
Experimental prototype of Infrared Ray radiator and effect on heating of human body. K.Mitobe, H.Taguchi and N.Yoshimura (2000) Int.J.Soc.Mater.Eng.Resour. 8, 2, 61-63.
シイタケ子実体に及ぼす電気刺激の効果(第3報) -浸水処理に代わる電気刺激処理について- 水戸部一孝、工藤行蔵、吉村昇 (2001) 静電気学会誌 25, 3, 149-152.
非熱プロセスにおける殺菌法に関する研究 吉村昇,鈴木雅史,水戸部一孝 (2003) 静電気学会誌 27, 3, 111-116.
WDT法により発生させたデンドライトの三次元構造測定 唐 超,水戸部一孝,吉村 昇 (2003) 電気学会論文誌A 123-A, 7, 651-656.
銅プリント配線板におけるWDT法による短絡電流とデンドライトの三次元形状の関係 唐 超,水戸部一孝,吉村 昇 (2003) 電気学会論文誌A 123-A, 9, 932-938.
The Sensory-Motor Coordination Measuring System Using Pointing Movements for the Evaluation of the Activities of Daily Living. K.Mitobe, M.Kojima, Y.Terata, M.Takahashi and N.Yoshimura (2004) Int.J.Soc.Mater.Eng.Resour. 12, 1, 16-21.
WDT法におけるイオンマイグレーションの極性変化と三次元形状評価 唐 超,水戸部一孝,吉村 昇 (2004) 電気学会論文誌A 124, 2, 202-208.
接近速度弁別能力の加齢による影響及びその検査システムの開発 寺田裕樹,水戸部一孝,吉村昇 (2004) 電子情報通信学会論文誌A J87-A, 2, 296-302
FIRヒータを用いたアクティブ・サーモグラフィ構築の基礎研究 水戸部一孝,尹鍾賢,片寄喜久,小川純一,吉村昇 (2004) 照明学会誌 88, 8A, 529-532.
Audible Warnings and Improvements of Age-Related Oversight of the Far Periphery in the Driving Task. Kazutaka Mitobe, Noboru Yoshimura, Bryan Reimer and Joseph F. Coughlin (2005) Journal of the Japanese Council of Traffic Science. 5, 1, 23-30.
高齢歩行者の車道横断時における危険回避能力検査システムの開発 大荒田直樹,水戸部一孝,吉村 昇 (2005) 日本交通科学協議会誌 5, 1, 16-22.
年齢における移動対象での両眼融合特性 寺田裕樹,水戸部一孝,吉村 昇 (2005) 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 10, 1, 111-118.
遠赤外線ヒータを用いた体表面の加熱プロセスによる乳癌検査に関する研究 尹鍾賢,水戸部一孝,片寄喜久,小川純一,吉村昇 (2006) 電気学会論文誌C 126-C, 3, 306-312.
サイバースペースにおける高齢歩行者の危険回避能力検査の試み 水戸部一孝,ジョセフF.コッフリン,吉村昇 (2006) 電子情報通信学会論文誌D J89-D, 10, 2174-2182.
アクティブ・サーモグラフィ法による乳ガン検査の可能性の検討 尹鍾賢,水戸部一孝,片寄喜久,小川純一,吉村昇 (2006) 照明学会誌 90, 8A, 487-494.
Screening of the Risk Avoidance Abilities for Older Pedestrian in a Cyberspace. K. Mitobe, J. Coughlin and N. Yoshimura (2006) IEICE J89-D, 10, 2174-2182.
磁気式モーションキャプチャにおけるレシーバ位置・角度のキャリブレーションの試み カビール ムハムドゥル、水戸部一孝、佐藤潤、玉本英夫、吉村 昇 (2007) 電気学会論文誌C 127-C, 1, 88~89.
三次元形状計測によるイオンマイグレーションの評価 水戸部一孝、吉村 昇 (2007) 電気学会論文誌A 127-A, 6, 335-340.
Self-regulating hyperthermia induced using thermosensitive ferromagnetic material having a low Curie temperature. H.Saito, K.Mitobe, A.Ito, Y.Sugawara, K.Maruyama, Y.Minamiya, S.Motoyama, N.Yoshimura and J.Ogawa (2008) Cancer Science 99, 805-809.
高齢者を対象とした薄暮前後の接近車両速度弁別能力の評価 寺田裕樹,水戸部一孝,猿田和樹,武田和時,鈴木雅史,吉村昇 (2008) 日本交通科学協議会誌 8, 1, 8~17.
歩行環境シミュレータを用いた高齢者の車両知覚能力に関する研究 静敦夫,水戸部一孝,寺田裕樹,吉岡尚文,吉村昇,鈴木雅史 (2008) 日本交通科学協議会誌 8, 1, 18~25.
Application of Terahertz Imaging to Water Content Measurement. H.Zhang, K.Mitobe and N.Yoshimura (2008) Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 47, 10, 8065-8070.
A new Analytical Method for the Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis by the Terahertz Imaging. H.Zhang, K.Mitobe, M.Suzuki and N.Yoshimura (2009) Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 48, 6, 1~5.
Inhibition of Heat Shock Protein 90 Sensitizes Melanoma Cells to Thermosensitive Ferromagnetic Particles Mediated Hyperthermia with Low Curie Temperature. A.Ito, H.Saito, K.Mitobe, Y.Minamiya, N.Takahashi, K.Maruyama, S.Motoyama, Y.Katayose and J.Ogawa (2009) Cancer Science 100, 3, 558-564.
車道横断シミュレータを用いた高齢歩行者の交通事故誘発リスクの研究 水戸部一孝,齊藤正容,鈴木雅史,吉村昇 (2009) 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 14, 1, 21-28.
テラヘルツ波を用いたイオンマイグレーションの検出 石川義博,水戸部一孝,鈴木雅史,吉村 昇 (2009) 静電気学会誌 33, 4, 163-168.
Analysis of Finger Movements of a Pianist Using Magnetic Motion Capture System with Six Dimensional Position Sensors. Md. M. Rahman, K.Mitobe, M.Suzuki and N.Yoshimura (2010) Trans. Virtual Real. Soc. Jp 15, 2, 243-250
Auditory Orientation Training System Developed for Blind People using PC-Based Wide-Range 3-D Sound Technology. Y.Seki, Y.Iwata, T.Chiba, S.Yairi, M.Otani, M.Oh-uchi, T.Munekata, K.Mitobe and A.Honda (2010) IWPASH2009.
Extraction of motion characteristics in dances by statistical analysis of joint motions. T. Miura, K. Mitobe, T. Yukawa, T. Taniguchi and H. Tamamoto (2010) Journal of Information Processing 18, 49-62.
Adaptinf of grouping structure in GTTM to hierarchical of dance motion, T. Miura, K. Mitobe, T. Yukawa, T. Taniguchi and H. Tamamoto (2010) Journal of Information Processing 18, 263-282.
両眼立体視における接近速度弁別能力の加齢による影響 寺田裕樹,水戸部一孝,猿田和樹,鈴木雅史,吉村昇 (2010) 交通科学 41, 2, 3~10.
Application of Hand Motion Capture System for Piano Education. Md. M. Rahman, K.Mitobe, M.Suzuki and N.Yoshimura (2011) Trans. Virtual Real. 16, 1, 83-92.
Analysis of dexterous finger movement for piano education using motion capture system. Md. M. Rahman, K. Mitobe, M. Suzuki, C. Takano and N. Yoshimura (2011) Inter. J. Sci.Technol. 2, 2, 22-31.
車道横断体験用シミュレータによる高齢歩行者交通事故の誘発要因の検討 水戸部 一孝,鈴木 雅史,吉村 昇 (2011) 生体医工学 49, 1, 108-115.
Improvement of CW THz Imaging System for Cellulose Acetate Membrane Electrophoresis. H. Zhang, K. Mitobe, M. Kabir, M. Suzuki, Y. Mitobe, T. Habuchi and N. Yoshimura (2012) IEEJ Trans. Elect. Electron. Engg. 7, S1.
各種無電解めっき電極の耐イオンマイグレーション性能 今野大,水戸部一孝,藤村和由,鈴木雅史,吉村昇 (2013) 電気学会論文誌A 133, 4.
Inhibition of Hsp90 and 70 sensitizes melanoma cells to hyperthermia using ferromagnetic particles with a low Curie temperature, International Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol.19, No.4, pp.722-730, (2014), Tomoyuki Miyagawa, Hajime Saito, Yoshihiro Minamiya, Kazutaka Mitobe, Shinogu Takashima, Naoko Takahashi, Aki Ito, Kazuhiro Imai, Satoru Motoyama, Junichi Ogawa,
磁気式モーションキャプチャーシステムを用いた姿勢制御評価の試み,日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報,Vol.116,No.10 (2013) pp.1106-1113,工藤 香児、水戸部一孝、本田 耕平、石川 和夫
感温磁性体を利用したハイパーサーミアのための低侵襲温度計測技術の精度向上に関する検討,電気学会論文誌A,Vol. 134,No. 7 (2014) 436-441宮本 隆平,齊藤 元, 鈴木 雅史, 吉村 昇, 水戸部一孝
Features of the Vision of Elderly Pedestrians when Crossing a Road, Stapp Car Crash Journal, Vol. 58, pp.233-250 (2014) Yasuhiro Matsui, Shoko Oikawa, Yoshio Aoki and Michiaki Sekine, Kazutaka Mitobe
久米裕、石川隆志、佐竹將宏、水戸部一孝:学部間連携による高齢者を対象とした生涯学習事業.ヘルスプロモーション・リサーチ, Vol.7, No. 1, pp.28-35 (2014).
Rotary Scanning Wireless Temperature Measurement Method for Hyperthermia using Ferromagnetic Implants, IEEJ TEEE A, VOLUME 10, No.2, S1-S6, (2015), Tonthat Loi, Hajime Saito, Ryuhei Miyamoto, Masafumi Suzuki, Noboru Yoshimura, Kazutaka Mitobe
Analysis of Thumb and Index Finger Posture and Endpoint during Pinching Motion for Objects of Different Length.: Tomioka, M., Saito, M., Suzuki, M., Yoshimura, N. and Mitobe, K. (2016), Transactions of Human Interface Society, Vol.18, No.2, p.121-132 (in Japanese)
Effect of Aging on Posture and Endpoint during Pinching Motion: Tomioka, M., Saito, M., and Mitobe, K. (2016), TVRSJ, Vol.21, No.2, p.217-226. (in Japanese)
Body Motion Artifact Reduction Method using Rotary Scanning for Accuracy Improvement of Wireless Temperature Measurement, Tonthat Loi, Aki, H., Matsuda, Saito, H., Yoshimra, N., and Mitobe, K. (2016), IEEJ-A, Vol.136 , No.8, p.529-534. (in Japanese)
Accuracy Improvement of Low-Invasive Temperature Measurement for Hyperthermia Treatment Using a Ferromagnetic Implant with Low Curie Temperature: Miyamoto, R., Saito, H., Suzuki, M., Yoshimura, N., and Mitobe K., (2016), Electronics and Communications in Japan, Vol.99, No.3, p.55-62.
Properties of Generalized Feedback Shift Registers for Secure Scan Design: Fujiwara, H., and Katsuya Fujiwara, (2016), IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E99.D, No.4, p.1255-1258.
Study of Effective Methods for Contact Force Visualization in a Soldering Training VR System、ASIAGRAPH 2016 International Conference Proceedings 、 (頁 51 ~ 52) 、 2016年03月 、 Katsuya Fujiwara, Hideaki Miyajima, Kazutaka Mitobe
Accuracy Improvement of Low-Invasive Temperature Measurement for Hyperthermia Treatment Using a Ferromagnetic Implant with Low Curie Temperature、Electronics and Communications in Japan 、 99巻 3号(頁 55 ~ 62) 、 2016年05月 、 Ryuhei M., Saito H., Suzuki M., Yoshimura N., Mitobe K.
Development of an Uchi Self-learning System for Mutsumi-ryu-style Shamisen Using VR Environment、Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 9th International Conference 、9835巻(頁 359 ~ 370) 、 2016年08月 、 Takeshi Shibata, Kazutaka Mitobe, Takeshi Miura, Katsuya Fujiwara, Masachika Saito, Hideo Tamamoto
- Position Adjustment Method and Distance Estimation Method of Magnetic Field Supply and Detection Unit for Magnetic Hyperthermia, IEEJ Trans. Fund. Mater, Vol.12,No.2 (2017) (in press),Tonthat Loi, Fumitaka Aki, Eiki Matsuda, Hajime Saito, Noboru Yoshimura, Kazutaka Mitobe.
International Conferences
Improvement in Optic Target Detection and Reaction Time by Acoustic Stimulation : Comparison between Elder and YoungK.Mitobe, T.Akiyama, N.Yoshimura and M.Takahashi1998The 20th Annual Inter. Conf. Of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 20(4)Hong Kong, China1970-1972.
The Relationship Between the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) K. Mitobe, Y. Terata, M. Kojima, M. Takahashi and N. Yoshimura 2003 The 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 10 Orland, USA 49-54.
Imaging of Epithelial Cancer in Sub-Terahertz Electromagnetic Wave K. Mitobe, M. Manabe, T. Kuribayashi and N. Yoshimura200527th IEEE EMBS Shanghai, China.
Specification of Malignancy Region and Blood Vessel Region by Heating Pocess using FIR HeaterJ. Yoon, K. Mitobe, Y. Katayose, J. Ogawa and N. Yoshimura20055th International Conference on Materials Engineering for Resources, ICMR Akita, Japan.
Development of a High Precision Hand Motion Capture System and an Auto Calibration Method for a Hand Skeleton ModelK. Mitobe, J.Sato, T. Kaiga, T. Yukawa, T. Miura, H. Tamamoto and N. Yoshimura 2007 ACM SIGGRAPH San Diego, USA.
Development of Pianist’s Hand Motion Capture System Using LibertyTM 16 System, PolhemusMd. M. Rahman, K.Mitobe, J. Sato, T. Nikaidou M. Suzuki and N. Yoshimura 2008The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE Okinawa, Japan.
Noninvasive Temperature Measurement Method for Hyperthermia Treatment using Ferromagnetic Implant with Low Curie Temperature K. Mitobe and N. Yoshimura 2008 The 30th Annual Inter. Conf. Of the IEEE EMBS Vancouver, Canada4384-4386.
THz imaging for water content measurement H. Zhang, K. Mitobe and N. Yoshimura 2008International symposium on electrical insulating materials Mie, Japan87-90.
Lightning Surge Impedance Measurement on Control Building Using Electromagnetic Transient Program Md. M. Rahman, Md. O. Gani, K. Mitobe, J. Sato, T. Nikaidou M. Suzuki and N. Yoshimura20085th International Conference Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICECE Dhaka, Bangladesh 694-698.
Developed a Technique to Find the Finger Joint angles Using Six Dimensional Position Sensors Md. M. Rahman, K.Mitobe, M. Suzuki and N. Yoshimura 20096th International Conference on Materials Engineering for Resources, ICMR Akita, Japan 350-355.
New Imaging Method for Electrophoresis by Sub-Terahertz Wave H.Zhang, K.Mitobe, M. Suzuki and N.Yoshimura 2009 6th International Conference on Materials Engineering for Resources, ICMR Akita, Japan 508-510.
Auditory Orientation Training System for the Blind by using Wide-Range 3-D Sound Y. Seki, Y. Iwaya, T. Chiba, , S. Yairi, M. Otani, M. Oh-uchi, , T. Munekata, K. Mitobe and A. Honda, 2009 CVHI Wroclaw, Poland CD-Rom.
Continuous Wave Terahertz Imaging Method for Ion Migration Detection H. Zhang, K. Mitobe, M. Suzuki and N. Yoshimura 2010International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis 2010 (CMD2010) Tokyo, Japan 770-773.
Analysis of Dexterous Finger Movements for Writing using a Hand Motion Capture System K. Mitobe, M. Saitoh and N. Yoshimura 2010 International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems (VECIMS2010) Taranto, Italy 60-63.
Developments of the learning assist system for dextrous finger movementsK.Mitobe, J. Kodama, T.Miura, H.Tamamoto, M.Suzuki and N.Yoshimura 2010 ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010 Seoul, Korea.
Analysis of erhu playing and design of learning environment for novice erhu player M.Soga, S.Ishihara, S.Ota, Y.Majima, Y.Maekawa, K. Mitobe and T.Hirokazu 2010 9th International Conference on ITHET'10 Cappadocia, Turkey 297-304.
Single Frequency Continuous Wave Terahertz Imaging of DNA Marker and Protein Marker on Membrane H. B. Zhang, K. Mitobe, M. Suzuki, Y. Mitobe, T. Habuchi, and N. Yoshimura2011International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2011) Jeju, Korea.
Analysis of the dendrite on printed wiring board by soft X-ray microscope and THz imaging K. Mitobe, M. Suzuki and N. Yoshimura 2011 International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPS-2011) Chennai, India.
Development of Pedestrian Simulator for the Prevention of Traffic Accidents Involving Elderly Pedestrians K. Mitobe, M. Suzuki and N. Yoshimura 2012 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology (SICE2012) Akita, Japan.
Development of a Ubiquitous Learning System for Dexterous Hand Operation K. Mitobe, M. Tomioka, M. Saito and M. Suzuki 2012 International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2012) Atlanta, USA.
Visualization and Quantification of Protein after Electrophoresis Using Terahertz Wave, Dai Konno, Kazutaka Mitobe, Takeshi Ito, Hiroshi Takahashi, Masafumi Suzuki, Noboru Yoshimura, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2013
Study on Shortening Latency in Body Motion Artifact Reduction Method for Accuracy Improvement of Wireless Temperature Measurement by using Symmetrical Multi-pickup coils: Tonthat, L.,, Saito, H., Mitobe, K.(2016), International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2016, ID 90062.
Development of an Uchi Self-learning System for Mutsumi-ryu-style Shamisen Using VR Environment: Shibata, T., Mitobe, K., Miura, T., Fujiwara, K., Saito, M. and Tamamoto, H. (2016), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 9th International Conference, Vol.9835, p.359-370.
Study of Effective Methods for Contact Force Visualization in a Soldering Training VR System: Fujiwara, K., Miyajima, H., and Mitobe, K. (2016), ASIAGRAPH 2016 International Conference Proceedings, p.51-52.
吉村 昇、水戸部一孝(1997):生物・環境産業のための比熱プロセス事典,サイエンスフォー ラム,pp.381-384(分担)
Kazutaka Mitobe (2008): The Silver Market Phenomenon -Chapter 25 Business Chances in Personal Transportation: Traffic Safety for older adults-, Springer, pp.371-380(分担)
水戸部一孝(2009): 車載用センサ/カメラ技術と安全運転支援システム,技術情報協会,pp.639-655(分担)
M.Kabir, M. Suzuki, and N. Yoshimura (2011): Waste Water Treatment and Reutilization-Chapter7 Excess Sludge Reduction in Waste water treatment Plants, Intech, pp.133-150 (分担) ISBN: 978-953-307-249-4
Y. Seki, Y. Iwaya, T. Chiba, S. Yairi, M. Otani, M. Oh-Uchi, T. Munekata, K. Mitobe and A. Honda (2011):Principles and Applications of Spatial Hearing, edited by Y. Suzuki, D. Brungart, Y. Iwaya, K. Iida, D. Cabrera and H. Kato, World Scientific, pp.452-562, ISBN: 978-9814313872.
Rahman Md., M., Mitobe, K. and Suzuki, M. (2011): Dexterous Finger Movement Analysis Using EM Motion Capture System, ISBN: 978-8454-2810-9.
水戸部一孝(2013): 人間福祉工学ハンドブック,朝倉書店,印刷中(分担)
Academic Journals
伊福部達, 水戸部一孝, 金南均, 高橋誠(1992):電子情報通信学会誌,Vol.76,No.11,pp.1164-1170
水戸部一孝(2007):高齢歩行者の交通事故防止 ~バーチャルリアリティ技術による工学的なアプローチ~,運転管理,Vol.43,No.4,pp.5-11
水戸部一孝 (2011): 高齢歩行者交通事故防止と車道横断体験用シミュレータ,交通工学,Vol.43, No.3, p.18-23
水戸部一孝 (2012): 超高齢社会と車道横断体験シミュレータ,自動車学校,Vol.48, No.2, p.20-27