Kazutaka MITOBE  (male)



1991 B.Eng.:      Electric Eng., Mining collage, Akita University, Japan

1993 M.Eng.:     Division of Biomedical Eng., Graduate School of Eng., Hokkaido Univ., Japan

1996 Ph.D. (Eng.): Division of Biomedical Eng., Graduate School of Eng., Hokkaido Univ., Japan


1993-1996  Fellowships of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Japanese Junior Scientists

1996-1998  Research Associate of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita Univ.

1998-2008  Assistant Professor of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita Univ.

2008-2013  Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita Univ.

2013-  Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita Univ.

2002-2003 Visiting Researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA).



Study on the sensory-motor coordination to optic and acoustic stimulation, Division of Biomedical Engineering, Hokkaido Univ., 1990


Study on perceptual-motor coordination for the quantitative diagnosis of Learning Disability children, Division of Biomedical Eng., Graduate School of Eng., Hokkaido Univ.


  1. 1.T.IFUKUBE, K.MITOBE and M.TAKAHASHI(1992):Audio-Visual Sense and Indicating Movement, J.IEICE, Vol.76, No.11, pp.1164-1170, (in Japanese).

  2. 2.K.MITOBE, M.TAKAHASHI, M.KATO, T.KATO, M.KIMURA and T.IFUKUBE(1994): Consideration of the 'Sensory-Motor Coordination' to an Optic and Acoustic Stimulation, 3rd IEEE Inter. Workshop RO-MAN'94, pp.84-89.

  3. 3.K.MITOBE, M.TAKAHASHI, T.KATO, M.KIMURA and T.IFUKUBE(1995): Sensory- motor coordination in and out of working space, T.IEE Japan, Vol.115-C, No.2, pp.296-301, (in Japanese).

  4. 4.K.MITOBE, M.TAKAHASHI, T.KATO, M.KIMURA and T.IFUKUBE(1995): The basic study of 'Sensory-Motor Coordination' to an optic and acoustic stimulation, SICE, Vol.31, No.8, pp.1023-1029, (in Japanese).

  5. 5.K.MITOBE, M.TAKAHASHI, W.MURATA, Y.ISHIDA, H.NARA, T.IFUKUBE, K.YAMAMOTO(1996): Quantitative diagnosis of Learning Disability children by measuring pointing movements, T.IEICE, Vol.79-A, No.2, pp.346-353, (in Japanese).

  6. 6.T.KATO, M.TAKAHASHI, K.MITOBE, M.KIMURA, Y.ISHIDA, H.NARA and T.IFUKUBE(1996): The effects of another visual stimuli on reaching movements to a target, SICE, Vol.32, No.6, pp.795-801, (in Japanese).

  7. 7.K.MITOBE, T.AKIYAMA, N.YOSHIMURA, M.TAKAHASHI and T.IFUKUBE(1997): Induced effect of spatial attention by auditory stimulation, J.ITE, Vol.51, No.6, pp.850-856, (in Japanese).

  8. 8.K.MITOBE, T.SATO, T.SUZUKI and N.YOSHIMURA(1997): The effects of electrical stimulation on fruit of lentinus edodes, J. Inst. Electrostat. Jpn., Vol.21, No.6, pp.275-277, (in Japanese).

  9. 9.K.MITOBE, T.AKIYAMA, N.YOSHIMURA and M.TAKAHASHI(1998): Improvement in visual target detections and reaction time by auditory stimulation, T.IEE Japan, Vol.118-A, No.3, pp.245-250, (in Japanese).

  10. 10.M.KIMURA, M.TAKAHASHI, K.MITOBE, T.KATO, Y.ISHIDA, H.NARA, T.IFUKUBE and K.YAMAMOTO(1998): A basic study on combined effect of audiovisual sensory information on the sense of equilibrium, TVRSJ, Vol.3, No.3, pp.177-183, (in Japanese)

  11. 11.K.MITOBE, F.NAKAGAWA, T.SATO, T.SUZUKI and N.YOSHIMURA(1999): The effects of electrical stimulation to artificial bed-blocks on fruit of Lentinus edodes, J. Inst. Electrostat. Jpn., Vol.23, No.2, pp.88-90, (in Japanese).

  12. 12.K.KUDO, K.MITOBE and N.YOSHIMURA(1999): Electrical stimulated multiplication of Lentinus edodes, J. Inst. Electrostat. Jpn., Vol.23, No.4, pp.186-190, (in Japanese).

  13. 13.K.MITOBE and N.YOSHIMURA(1999):Three-dimensional measuring of dendrite that caused by Ion-Migration, J. Inst. Electrostat. Jpn., Vol.23, No.5, pp.272-273, (in Japanese).

  14. 14.K.MITOBE, H.TAGUCHI, N.YOSHIMURA(2000): Experimental prototype of infrared ray radiator and effect on heating of human body, J. Soc. Mater. Eng. Resour., Vol.8, No.2, pp.61-63.

  15. 15.K.MITOBE, K.KUDO and N.YOSHIMURA (2001): Improved production of fruit-body of Lentinus edodes by electrical stimulation in artificial bed-blocks, J. Inst. Electrostat. Jpn., Vol.25, No.3, pp.149-152, (in Japanese)

  16. 16.Tang, C., Mitobe, K. and Yoshimura, N. (2003): The 3D Shape of the Dendrite by WDT Method, The Trans. of IEEJ. Trans. FM, Vol.123, No.7, pp651-6 (Japanese)

  17. 17.Tang, C., Mitobe, K. and Yoshimura, N. (2003): The relation of the 3D Shape of the short-circuit current and dendrite to a copper printed wiring board by WDT Method, The Trans. of IEEJ Trans. FM, Vol.123, No.9, pp 932-8 (in Japanese)

  18. 18.Tang, C., Mitobe, K. and Yoshimura, N. (2004): Ion-migration polarity change and 3D Shape evaluation in the WDT Method, Printing is the Transactions of IEEJ Trans. No. 2, pp.202-208 (in Japanese)

  19. 19.K.MITOBE, M.KOJIMA, Y.TERATA, M.TAKAHASHI and N.YOSHIMURA: The Sensory-Motor Coordination Measuring System using pointing movements for the evaluation of the activities of daily living (ADL), Soc.Mater.Eng.Resour.Japan, Vol.12, No.1, pp.16-21 (2004).

  20. 20.K.MITOBE, Y.J.HYUN, Y.KATAYOSE, J.OGAWA and N.YOSHIMURA (2004): Basic study of active thermography technique using a FIR Heater, JLVE, Vol.8, No.8A, pp.529-532 (Japanese).

  21. 21.Kazutaka Mitobe, Noboru Yoshimura, Bryan Reimer and Joseph F. Coughlin (2005):Audible Warnings and Improvements of Age-Related Oversight of the Far Periphery in the Driving Task, Journal of the Japanese Council of Traffic Science, Vol.5, No1, pp.23-30.

  22. 22.Ooarata,N. Mitobe,K. and Yoshimura,N.: Development of Condition Monitoring System for Preventing Elder People in Traffic Accidents, Journal of the Japanese Council of Traffic Science, Vol.5, No.1, pp.16-22 (2005). (Japanese)

  23. 23.Terata,Y., Mitobe,K. and Yoshimura,N.: Characteristics of Binocular Fusion Images in Moving Objects with Aging, TVRSJ, Vol.10, No.1, pp.111-118 (2005). (Japanese)

  24. 24.Mitobe,K., Coughlin,J.F. and Yoshimura,N.(2006): Screening of the Risk Avoidance Abilities for Older Pedestrian in a Cyberspace, IEICE, Vol.J89-D, No.10, pp.2174-82 (Japanese)

  25. 25.Yoon,J., Mitobe,K. Katayose,Y., Ogawa,J. and Yoshimura,N.(2006): Research on the Test of Breast Cancer by Heating Process of Body Surface using FIR Heater, IEEJ Trns. EIS, Vol.126, No.3, pp.306-12. (Japanese)

  26. 26.Y.J.HYUN, K.MITOBE, Y.KATAYOSE, J.OGAWA and N.YOSHIMURA (2006):Research on the Test of Brest Cancer by Heating Process of Body Surface using FIR Heater, IEEJ Trans.EIS, Vol.126, No.3, pp.306-312(Japanese).

  27. 27.Mitobe, K. and Yoshimura, N. (2007): Evaluation of Ion-migration based on Three Dimensional Microstructure Measurements, IEEJ Trans. FM, Vol. 127, No. 6, p. 335-40 (in Japanese).

  28. 28.Mitobe, K. Gotoh, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2007): Study on the Behavior of Dendrites Grown in Liquid, J. Inst. Electrostat. Jpn., Vol. 31, No. 5, pp.205-206 (in Japanese).

  29. 29.Mitobe, K., Sato, J., Kaiga, T., Yukawa, T., Miura, T., Tamamoto, H. and Yoshimura, N. (2007): Development of a High Precision Hand Motion Capture System and an Auto Calibration Method for a Hand Skeleton Model, ACM SIGGRAPH 2007, Article No. 159.

  30. 30.Kabir, M., Mitobe, K., Satoh, J., Tamamoto, H. and Yoshimura, N. (2007): An Approach for Calibration of Measured Data Using a Magnetic Motion Capture System, IEEJ Trans. EIS, Vol. 127, No. 1, p. 88-9 (in Japanese).

  31. 31.Zhang, H., Mitobe, K. and Yoshimura, N. (2008): Application of Terahertz Imaging to Water Content Measurement, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 47, No. 10, pp. 8065-8070.

  32. 32.Terata, Y., Mitobe, K., Saruta, K., Takeda, K., Suzuki, M. and Yoshimura N. (2008): Evaluation of Discrimination Ability of the Velocity of an Approaching Car in the twilight for the Elderly, Journal of the Japanese Council of Traffic Science, Vol.8, No.1, pp.8-17. (in Japanese).

  33. 33.Shizuka, A., Mitobe, K., Terata, Y., Yoshioka, N., Yoshimura, N. and Suzuki, M. (2008): A study of the ability to perceive the vehicle of the elderly people by the Pedestrian Simulator, Journal of the Japanese Council of Traffic Science, Vol.8, No.1, pp.18-25. (in Japanese).

  34. 34. Ito, A., Saito, H., Mitobe, K., Minamiya, Y., Takahashi, N., Maruyama, K., Motoyama, S., Katayose, Y. and Ogawa ,J. (2008):Inhibition of heat shock protein 90 sensitizes melanoma cells to thermosensitive ferromagnetic particles mediated hyperthermia with low Curie temperature, Cancer Science, Vol.99, pp.805-809.

  35. 35.Zhang, H., Mitobe, K., Suzuki, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2009): A new Analytical Method for the Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis by the Terahertz Imaging, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 062301-1-062301-5.

  36. 36.Ito, A., Saito, H., Mitobe, K., Minamiya, Y., Takahashi, N., Maruyama, K., Motoyama, S., Katayose, Y. and Ogawa, J. (2009): Inhibition of Heat Shock Protein 90 Sensitizes Melanoma Cells to Thermosensitive Ferromagnetic Particles Mediated Hyperthermia with Low Curie Temperature, Cancer Science, Vol.100, No.3, pp.558-564.

  37. 37.Rahman Md. M., Mitobe, K., Suzuki, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2010): Analysis of Finger Movements of a Pianist Using Magnetic Motion Capture System with Six Dimensional Position Sensors, Trans. Virtual. Real. Soc. Jp., Vol.15, No.2, p.243-50.

  38. 38.Rahman Md., M., Mitobe, K., Suzuki, M., Takano C. and Yoshimura, N. (2011): Analysis of dexterous finger movement for piano education using motion capture system, Inter. J. Sci. Technol. Ed. Research Vol.2, No.2, p.22-31.

  39. 39.Rahman Md., M., Mitobe, K., Suzuki, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2011): Application of Hand Motion Capture System for Piano Education, Trans. Virtual. Real. Soc. Jp., Vol.16, No.1, p.83-92

  40. 40.Mitobe, K., Suzuki, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2011): Consideration of the risk factor of elder pedestrian traffic accident by the pedestrian simulator., Trans. Jp. Soc. Med. Bio. Eng., Vol.49, No.1, p.108-115 (in Japanese).

  41. 41.


1. 特許公開2012-002950 歩行環境シミュレータ

2. 特許公開2011-251042 ハイパーサーミア用インプラント及びその製造方法

3. 特許公開2011-027527 感温磁性体を用いた温度計測システム及び温度計測方法

4. 特許公開2010-088628 手指関節位置推定装置、及び手指関節位置推定方法

5. 特許公開2008-292643 バーチャルリアリティ技術を用いた交通視知覚能力検査システム

6. 特許公開2007-244537 胃ペースメーカーナビゲーションシステム

7. 特許公開2007-236602 磁気式位置姿勢センサを用いた手指用モーションキャプチャ装置

8. 特許公開2007-215809 FIRアクティブ・サーモグラフィ検査装置

9. 特許公開2006-330438 歩行環境シミュレータ

10. 特許公開2002-017673 接近速度感覚検査装置及び検査方法

11. WO2009/088062 感温磁性体を用いた温度計測方法及び温度制御方法

[PRESENTATIONS (in English only)]

  1. 1.M.TAKAHASHI, M.KATO, K.MITOBE, T.IZUMI, T.IFUKUBE, J.MATSUSHIMA and K.TANAKA, An apparatus for measuring eye and head movements using CCD image sensor and 3SPACE, IEEE Eng. in Med. & Bio. 13th Annual Inter. Conf. pp.1700-1701 (Orlando, Florida, U.S.A), 1991.

  2. 2. M.TAKAHASHI, M.KATO, K.MITOBE, T.IZUMI, T.IFUKUBE, J.MATSUSHIMA and K.TANAKA, Measuring system of eye movement and posture for vertiginous patients, IEEE Eng. in Med. & Bio. 14th Annual Inter. Conf., pp.46-47 (PARIS, FRANCE), 1992.

  3. 3.J.MASUSHIMA, Y.KOBAYASHI, N.TAKEICH, N.SAKAI, M.KATO, K.MITOBE, M.TAKAHASHI, T.IFUKUBE and K. TANAKA, Attempts of quantitative assessment of head movement during stepping in place, VESTIBULAR AND NEURAL FRONT 12th International Symposium, pp.103-106, (Matsumoto, Japan), 1994.

  4. 4.J.MASUSHIMA, Y.KOBAYASHI, N.SAKAI, D.TAKAGI, M.KATO, K.MITOBE, M.TAKAHASHI, T.IFUKUBE and K.TANAKA, Quantitative assessment of head movement during stepping in place in patients with peripheral vestibular disorders, XXIInd Annual Meeting of the International Neuro-otologic and Equilibriometric Society, pp.329-332 (Hakone, Japan), 1995.

  5. 5.K.MITOBE, T.AKIYAMA, N.YOSHIMURA and M.TAKAHASHI, Improvement in optic target detection and reaction time by acoustic stimulation: comparison between elder and young, Proceedings of 20th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.1970-1972 (Hong Kong, China), 1998.

  6. 6.K.MITOBE, N.YOSHIMURA, Experimental prototype of IR emitter and effect on heating of human body, Internal symposium on materials and resources, pp.23-24 (AKITA, Japan), 2000.

  7. 7.MITOBE, K., Terata, Y., Kojima, M., Takahashi, M. and Yoshimura, N.: The Relationship Between the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Scale and Directional Localization Using Pointing Movements, The 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol.10, pp.49-54 (Orland, USA), 2003.

  8. 8.Mitobe, K., Kaiga, T., Yukawa, T., Miura, T., Tamamoto, H., Rodgers, A. and Yoshimura, N., (2006): Development of a Motion Capture System for a Hand Using a Magnetic Three Dimensional Position Sensor, ACM SIGGRAPH 2006(Boston, USA)

  9. 9.Miura, T., Mitobe, K., Kaiga, T., Yukawa, T., Taniguchi, T. and Yoshimura, N., (2006): Extraction of Characteristic Motion in Dancing by Factor Analysis., ACM SIGGRAPH 2006(Boston, USA)

  10. 10.Mitobe, K. (2008): The Silver Market Phenomenon -Chapter 25 Business Chances in Personal Transportation: Traffic Safety for older adults-, Springer, pp.371-380.

  11. 11.Rahman Md. M., Mitobe, K., Sato, J., Nikaidou, T., Suzuki, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2008): Development of Pianist’s Hand Motion Capture System Using LibertyTM 16 System, Polhemus, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE-2008, N0. P-027 (Okinawa, Japan)

  12. 12. Mitobe, K. and Yoshimura N. (2008): Noninvasive Temperature Measurement Method for Hyperthermia Treatment using Ferromagnetic Implant with Low Curie Temperature., The 30th Annual Inter. Conf. Of the IEEE EMBS, pp.4384-4386 (Vancouver, Canada)

  13. 13.Zhang, H., Mitobe, K. and Yoshimura, N. (2008): THz imaging for water content measurement, Proceedings of 2008 international symposium on electrical insulating materials, MVP 1-2-1, pp.87-90 (Mie, Japan)

  14. 14.Suzuki, M., Itoh, A. and Yoshimura, N. (2008): Three-dimensional equivalent circuit analysis of water tree, Proceedings of 2008 international symposium on electrical insulating materials, pp.396-399 (Mie, Japan)

  15. 15.Rahman Md. M., Mitobe, K., Suzuki, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2009): Developed a Technique to Find the Finger Joint angles Using Six Dimensional Position Sensors, 6th Intl. Conf. on Materials Eng. for Resources, Proceedings of ICMR 2009 AKITA, pp.350-355 (Akita, Japan)

  16. 16.Zhang, H., Mitobe, K., Suzuki, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2009): New Imaging Method for Electrophoresis by Sub-Terahertz Wave, 6th Intl. Conf. on Materials Eng. for Resources, Proceedings of ICMR 2009 AKITA, pp.508-510 (Akita, Japan)

  17. 17.Zhang, H., Mitobe, K., Suzuki, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2010): Continuous Wave Terahertz Imaging Method for Ion Migration Detection, International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis 2010 (CMD2010), Proceedings of CMD 2010 Tokyo, Vol.2, p.770-73 (Tokyo, Japan)

  18. 18.Mitobe, K., Saitoh, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2010): Analysis of Dexterous Finger Movements for Writing using a Hand Motion Capture System, International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems (VECIMS2010), p.60-3 (Taranto, Italy)

  19. 19.Mitobe, K., Kodama, J., Miura, T., Tamamoto, H., Suzuki, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2010): Developments of the learning assist system for dexterous finger movements, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010, CD-ROM (Seoul, Korea).

  20. 20.Soga, M., Ishihara, S., Ota, S., Majima, Y., Maekawa, Y., Mitobe, K. and Hirokazu, T. (2010): Analysis of erhu playing and design of learning environment for novice erhu player, Proceedings of the 9th international conference on ITHET'10(Cappadocia, TURKEY), p. 297-304.

  21. 21.Seki, Y., Iwaya, Y., Chiba, T., Yairi, S., Otani, M., Oh-uchi, M., Munekata, T., Mitobe, K. and Honda, A. (2010): Auditory Orientation Training System Developed for Blind People using PC-Based Wide-Range 3-D Sound Technology, Exteneded paper of IWPASH 2009, (accepted 2010, now in printing).

  22. 22.Zhang, H., Mitobe, K., Suzuki, M., Mitobe, Y., Habuchi T. and Yoshimura, N. (2011): Single Frequency Continuous Wave Terahertz Imaging of DNA Marker and Protein Marker on Membrane, International Conference on Advanced Electro materials (ICAE 2011), ICAE 2011 CD, (Jeju, Korea)

  23. 23.Mitobe, K., Suzuki, M. and Yoshimura, N. (2011): Analysis of the dendrite on printed wiring board by soft X-ray microscope and THz imaging, International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPS– 2011) (Chennai, India)


He was born in Hokkaido, Japan. He received the B.E degrees in Electric Engineering from Akita University, Akita Japan, in 1991, respectively. He received the Ph.D. (Eng.) degree from Hokkaido University in 1996. He is a professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Akita University. His research work is on biomedical engineering such as human motion analysis and psychophysical experiments for older adults. He is a member of the IEEE, the IEICE, the IEE of Japan, the Institute of Electrostatics Japan and the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of Japan.